I'm writing this, curled up by the fireplace cueing up christmas vacation while home alone. Waiting for family to arrive, and the economy to recover, I’m haulin’ out the MI holly for a mere 12 days of christmas, until the 23rd when the wilke’s will celebrate a wonderful life. I pledge allegiance ...
Most of you may already know this, but I’ve no time to publish two different versions; The Mr. and I sorta moved to Indiana over the past 3 years. There’s more. Thanks to the economy and God’s perfect timing in our lives we still have our Muskegon home. Last August, while sitting on the porch having coffee, Melissa introduced us to Spencer, and we fell in love with him, almost before she did. Wait there’s more. On March 19 we became grandparents to the lovely Lillian. Wait for it ... on March 23 we became grandparents AGAIN to the extraordinary Maxwell.
Want more? Feel free to follow along here, and do comment, if you wish. The 20ll Year-In-Review, Ready Yourselves will be up soon. Read: Probably around Jan 5, when I'm back in the land of internet connection.
But wait, there’s so much more... Did you know the God who created heaven and earth wants to have a personal relationship with you? He loves you so much and does not care what your past looks like, or what present state you’re in, but cares deeply about your future plans.
This relationship can’t be a casual fling like I have with you and Christmas letters. He is the designer and creator of EVERYTHING. Even though it’s unimaginable in our little finite minds, He made us joint heirs with him by sending Jesus to earth to die in our place. When Jesus ascended into heaven (a historical event people! which hundreds witnessed) he said the Holy Spirit would come and comfort us, guide us, seal us, protect us, and when this vapor of a human life is over, we’ll get to carry on with the 3 of them (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) forever and ever, AMEN. Wow, oh wow, oh wow!
If you’re reading here, I pray this kind of peace over you for 2012. Whether I see you everyday, a few times a year or only as a passing glance on facebook, may God bless you in Jesus name to live the life you were created to live. If you’re looking for happiness, companionship, problem solving, health, healing, and miracles, why don’t you give this Jesus a try? Whether it’s your first attempt or you’ve considered yourself, saved, baptized, confirmed, christian, catholic, bar/bat mitzvahed or just a really really good person... please make sure to sign up for the ever after.
Because, there’s more.
The end-zone scripture,
John 3:16, says it perfectly
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”