

"And now let us welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been." Rainer Maria Rilke

Going to read through the whole Bible. Going to lose weight. Going to go on a walk 5 days a week. Going to organize this little house and have the mother of all garage sales in the spring. Not going to bed with dishes in the sink. Going to start saving for a European vacation. Going to treat people and my dog kindly. Going to eat healthy. Going to watch the sun set and rise once in a while. Not going to do anyone's laundry but my own. Going to master the TIVO remote and I will be hosting blog clinics in just a few short weeks.
Well, there you have it! How am I doing? So-So. I got sidetracked in Genesis 3 wondering what the heck God did before he created the earth. Seriously, he must have been a tad bored.
I have to walk at the high school because the health club $ is going towards the European vacation. I decided that I would take my walking to the next level and do a little jogging. I guess the old rule still applies...no running in the hallways.
Why is it so much easier to load the sink than the dishwasher? My dog thinks she has died and gone to heaven, but I could do a little better with the few irregular people in my life.
While crossing the float bridge, I soaked in a multi-colored sunset. Beautiful.
Now that they have to do their own, my laundry seems to get done right along with the rest. Bingo.
I HAVE mastered iblog, it's just that I am the only one that can read it right now. Soon I will post an address. I know I will.
I started to organize upstairs and work my way down to the basement. I turned Jen's room into my scrap booking, journaling, reading, get-a-way room. Everyone needs their space.

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