
And What A Time It Was

Week-end...time flying
acrobatic, loud planes 
pictures and music
lazy country evening
station food thank you
road trip planning
springhill stories 
friendships quicken
have mercy
easy to include
getting to know you
how did you get to her 
he’s heaven sent
with God and
risking her heart
packing up all her tears
getting ready to fall
never knew 
how happy she’d be
her smile’s back
one step at a time 
on a path with one
who is strong and true
her answer to prayer
non stop talking
campers, counselors, god
facing her fears
talk slows sleep overtakes
contemplating separation
overwhelmed but ready
group singing with guitar
then goes solo
friend connection failed
aug 6 will have to suffice
reluctant and excited
to start it all again
a small still voice
making life choices
hesitant at first
but no turning back
trusting and waiting
you’ll never go wrong
when your heart says go
let loose and hang on
Annie...patient and kind
the first corinthians type
anticipating and abiding
all in god’s perfect timing
how we all fell hard
without even trying
for her smile and grace
to overwhelm him
she has what it takes
a bit of heaven on earth
always knew he would
working on his flaws
and listening to all
making plans to fly
putting away toys
but not losing the child
satisfied at last
with the girl of his dreams
love is his choice
river roll on
i silently contemplate
on return trip from church
with Ardy’s reminders
Ariel soaking it all in
great is thy faithfulness

my heart has wings


Young At Heart

Happy birthday Dad! I love you! And thank you! Thank you for your strong faith and making Jesus real to me. Thank you for sticking with it for over 50 years (or maybe I should be thanking mom for that one). Thank you for teaching me about life by just living yours as best you knew how. Thank you for all your moral, ethical, and yes even your stubborn lessons. Thank you for making mistakes that I have inevitably learned not to make. But mostly, thank you for showing me the closest thing on this earth to unconditional love. Keep cheating and stealing those years away from that old "three score and ten" nonsense. God bless you dad, as you celebrate life today. 
Speaking of July, Disney, and birthdays: I forgot a couple of characters. 
July 7 = Don. You're not getting any older your just adding some new titles like GRANDPA. 
July 7 = Ardy. For crying out loud, give me a call. Let's do lunch, and the beach. It's hot damn!
July 8 = Ron. I will remember you. Will you remember me? I'M THE MICHIGAN RELATIVE. Come over right away.
July 17 = Disneyland's 50th. Ahhhhhh 1955 it was a very good year.
July 18 = Happy Anniversary Kate & Mark. You guys put the "we" in "I do"
July 22 = Angela. It is definitely time to party. Hope you can make it. I know I'm gonna make a great aunt.
July 29 = Kate. It falls on a Friday...so I guess I'm automatically invited to the party :)
July 30 = Happy Anniversary to you Mark. Consider this your card.

Get your own blog!

Mark thinks I need to clarify that he was the one I had in to paint the bathroom. See, you already knew that didn't you? And Jen tells me I can't say anything about Tony, prematurely. My mom read my post entitled 7.2.05 and wanted to know who Mike was? Stay tuned.


Love Wins

Some new male actors to add to my list. Vince Vaughn & Owen Wilson. I laughed out loud at Wedding Crashers almost continuously. I was skeptical at first, the back story all came within the first 15 minutes of the movie. I was worried as to how these two characters would become believable for the remaining ultimate crash. But soon I was wrapped up and soaking in their humor, dialogue, and comedic timing. They even managed to create somewhat of a story-line and though not on my list of favorites, a romantic comedy, none the less.

So we went to camp! I know now why (on closing day when they interview the campers) awesome is the adjective of choice. Sometimes when I go to update this journal I speak of the mundane, much ado about nothing really. And as you may or may not have noticed I can chit chat on here about a myriad of subjects. But then there are those times, I'm typing through the tears. I felt overwhelmed and so undeservingly blessed to get the opportunity to see and observe first hand what God is doing in my kids lives. So yeah, definitely blessed.

And now, to whom it may concern or apply, a back story:
Once, soon after I got my driver's license my mom and I were on a back country road. Up ahead we could see that some cows had escaped their electric fence and were meandering across the road. My mom, pretty adamantly, said "SLOW DOWN". I let off of the gas somewhat, but apparently that wasn't good enough for her. She then yelled, "JULEE I SAID TO SLOW DOWN!!!". I thought that would be a good time to actually start braking. Once again, I was having a hard time pleasing her...some of the cows were leisurely munching on the tall grass in the ditch...what were they gonna do walk right out into the middle of the----THUD. 
Moral of the story, Mama knows what she is talking about, always has the best interest of her child in mind, and is usually right.

I had someone come in to paint the bathroom. They finished tonight around 9:15pm. I am closing the gap on Melissa's scrapbooks. 2003 yet to go, and maybe a few Brazil pages. One more song to choreograph for the video. So the break tonight consisted of "Million Dollar Baby". Rent it.


Happy Bastille Day

Flicking around the channels last night while catching up on The Tour de France and landed on a new reality TV show..."Brat Camp". Troubled kids whose parents thought it would be a good idea if the whole world could watch them get straightened out. Hmmmm. Not much new...we are in working mode now. Seriously. Had a hump day happy hour with Kate...and tonight we're going to take a break and sneak into Club at camp. We won't have another opportunity to see all three in action up there. And Ben said if we came on Thursdays he could send us down the zip line with an arsenal of water balloons to hurl at campers out on the game field. We'll be armed with the still and video camera so hopefully I can update the web page soon. Yeah, so not much new...Hypothetically speaking, when at the edge of something new and exciting I say jump in with both feet.


Random 100

Some of god's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers ~ Sung by Garth Brooks from a song he probably didn't write

I feel the need to rant like it's my career. This bird's eye view of Tom's mid life crisis is not pretty. Somebody needs to just hold them both down and inject some brain cells in her and some ritalin in him. It all leaves a sour taste in my mouth and gives the Eiffel Tower such a bad rap. 

If you've ever thought, "who the hell does she think she is?" I've decided to go ahead and tell you. 
1. I am a female, daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, cousin, niece, sister-in-law, and friend
2. I do not care for ice cubes made from tap water.
3. I usually vote Republican but do not believe in a 2-party system
4. I love water in any shape or form
5. I enjoy being alone
6. I enjoy being with people
7. I enjoy being alone amidst people
8. I don’t like small talk and therefore have a hard time making it
9. I secretly wished for a boy and 2 girls in the particular order I received them
10. I have been pregnant 5 times
11. I’m not really a girlie girl although I do appreciate frou frou once in a while
12. I do not appreciate flowers unless they are in the ground, especially roses
13. I feel that I can read people well
14. I never concentrate on unimportant details when relaying a story
15. I get fidgety when people argue about unimportant story details
16. I love to travel
17. I am somewhat apprehensive about take off and landing when flying
18. OK I am somewhat apprehensive about all forms of transportation unless I’m driving
19. I love to drive
20. I love hot weather
21. My favorite day of the year is the day after Thanksgiving
22. I wish I could draw and/or paint
23. I used to be an area manager for a national chain and even had a company car
24. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up
25. I love to hear stories of other peoples travels 
26. I laugh at myself, a lot
27. My favorite time of the day is dusk
28. I strongly believe that someday I will have something published
29. Besides airplanes flying I am most amazed at the cabillion pieces of information on the internet
30. I don’t always have to have something to drink with my meals
31. But I always have to have my meals
32. I think an absolutely average person would make a riveting Oprah guest
33. Sometimes I lie to escape hurting people’s feelings
34. I love to write on white boards, I also love to write on chalkboards
35. I'm optimistic and don't let other's opinion sway me
36. I have a hard time enjoying coffee out of styrofoam cups
37. I have a super soaker and I’m not afraid to use it
38. My favorite male actors are Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Steve Martin, John Cusack, Robin Williams, and Kevin Costner
39. Never have enjoyed Tom Cruise
40. One time at summer camp I memorized 150 bible verses, needless to say I won the prize
41. I am hideous at math, especially story problems, heck sometimes I count on my fingers
42. I have lived in 3 houses, 1 apartment, and a couple of dorm rooms
43. I avoid housework like the plague
44. My car list goes like this VW Beetle, yada, yada, yada, VW Beetle
45. I never let my kids believe there really was a Santa Claus
46. I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch, all year long
47. I have never smoked a cigarette
48. I love thunderstorms
49. I felt a small earthquake once, I think
50. I will never play the lottery
51. I had braces when I was in college
52. I have slept beneath the stars on occasion, but I would like to do so again soon
53. I have lived in a city of 8 million and a small town of 1200
54. I have never broken any of my bones
55. I would love to chaperone an overseas trip with teenagers
56. I consider myself a believer but don’t do well with organized religion
57. I wish people that laugh after everything they say, wouldn’t
58. I do not mind silence when talking with a friend
59. I will not go into Wal Mart again
60. Music very often moves me to tears
61. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers
62. Both my mom and dad come from families of 5 or more siblings
63. None of my siblings live near me
64. Siblings is a funny word to me
65. I wish I had a better relationship with my brothers and sisters
66. I have friends that live in Australia
67. I’d love to live in Paris France
68. I'd love to visit New York
69. I have seen 4 Broadway musicals, none of them on Broadway
70. I make my New Year’s resolutions around September 1st
71. I can water ski slalom
72. I can snow ski on bunny hills
73. I love to camp with a list of amenities
74. I very rarely dislike a movie starring Jim Carrey
75. Some of my favorite smells are citronella, vanilla, coffee, rain, cut grass, and diesel gasoline
76. I think I have a sweatshirt fetish
77. If I had to pick one, I’d say I’m definitely a dog person
78. High school basketball, college football, and professional baseball & hockey
79. My favorite female actors are Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Meryle Streep, Sally Field, and Sandra Bullock
80. Never have cared for Renee Zellwegger 
81. You’ve probably already guessed that my favorite type of movie is a Romantic Comedy
82. I am aiming to document my history until I can’t anymore
83. I think my legacy will be that I laughed, I loved, I lived.
84. I love to meet new people and I try not to let first impressions mar my judgment
85. I am from the Midwest but have never seen a tornado
86. I am not one bit superstitious
87. I also have a list of 100 things I want to do before I die
88. I could scrapbook, take pictures, read, or write, for longer than I’d care to admit
89. I do not take myself too seriously
90. I wish I led a more simplistic life
91. I have a very strong handshake
92. I have a tendency to waste time
93. I am a self proclaimed procrastinator
94. But when I have a mission, direction, and a goal I could organize the Pentagon
95. I like to make lists
96. I need to think more global and step out of my comfort zone more often
97. I always like to look at the big picture
98. My favorite food is carbohydrates
99. If I had it to do over again, there would have been dancing at my wedding

100. One question I will ask God is, Why’d you do it?


A Poem And A Poet

Rain on the porch
Inhale fresh
Storm on the porch
Better yet
Sitting on porch
Flowers smiling
Grass greening
Lighting flashing
Laptop wireless
Friends on the porch
Bring doughnuts

It doesn't get much better than this. Soon I should be getting ready to host the party. Soon the inevitable will be upon us and "we" must get Melissa ready for the road trip to "college" in August. And by "we" I mean me. And by college I mean YA.

But first I get to host Nic, Angelica and her two girls at their pre-springhill-meet-the-Michigan-relatives-campfire-fireworks-porch-party. It is always good to reconnect with family and Nic is never at a loss for some lively conversation or period of time when he isn't looking for something he lost. Not long after breakfast at the "Cherokee", and by "Cherokee" I mean let's mess with the new girl waitress restaurant, we settled down to a long summer's afternoon of nothingness. Hint: would have been a good time to get a couple of things done, but no. Instead down memory lane I go, and lo and behold a wealth of Ben and Nic antics accompany me on my walk. Who knew that the Evart Premiere of Duece would, in reality, be their farewell tour. If there is a reunion concert, I'm all over that. Life changes and so we move on. Later on that evening I had the pleasure of calmly talking Ben through about 40-50 miles of Northern Michigan tundra on his nomadic "mission" to visit Annie's family at their Ludington camp-sight. And by "mission" I mean...stay tuned.
Nic may have lost his keys for a couple of hours that day and Ben was quite turned around on Rt 10, but both of them seem to have a clear direction and sense of purpose on this journey we call life. Keep going towards the light and may the force be with you. Whatever paths your lives end up taking, all of us have been "doubly" blessed. And by doubly, I mean deuced.

After all that activity you'd think I would hunker down and start cleaning the garage...finishing up scrapbooks/slide shows...start a menu plan....woulda, coulda, shoulda. I must help Melissa start saying good-bye and so with a very warm invitation and a 15-minute window of opportunity we head off to hang out with Kate and Meg at the cottage. Could we have jammed any more relaxation and conversation into those fun-filled 18 hours? Evening walk on Lake Michigan, perfect sunset, last minute photos, and a rousing, "spirited"discussion at the kitchen table all made for a priceless memory. And by "spirited" I mean...oh never mind. Even though it was meant to be a good-bye it clarified in my mind that solid friendships don't call it that. I prefer, so long...until we meet again...farewell friend.

And so then, yeah! You'd think that I would proceed on to the "to do" list. Ha,surely you jest! Why not host another fun, food and one bathroom party of the Springhill regulars. You know the drill, and the rules are simple...you must announce any over-5 minute bathroom stays and that makes us all happy campers. 
I will now simply take my own advise and not worry about the open house, road trip or empty nest. And by "not worry" I mean...I have memories to make.


Picture Perfect

Picture perfect.

Coming Soon: Pictures

There aren't many summer evenings in West Michigan that can claim that title. Tonight is one of them.

There's no place like the back yard. The wind is almost non existent, I have a little campfire going. The flowers are peaking out between the pickets and it’s just me and my Mike’s H.L. in the back yard soaking it all in. I seriously have it too good. We are all absolutely too affluent and complacent. I joined the ONE campaign. But still, c’mon! There seems like so much more I could do. Jesus told the rich man to sell all he had and give to the poor...he knew that would be the hardest thing for the man to do. Copying the Catholics and their 40 day lent ritual, I’m gonna give up something...

Melissa, Mark and I drove up to Evart to visit Ben for his birthday. We took dessert and the dog. It was very strange driving into Evart and going right past the Springhill road. Ben, Annie, and Jen were on his front porch ready to greet us and even though we came bearing Brazil and birthday presents they all three acted like they had won the lottery when the dog jumped out of the car. As usual there was a gang from camp relaxing for the evening. Tony and Matt who had come to visit us last weekend were there. Well, Matt lives there so of course he was there. Ben announced that a few of them including Tony are coming home again this weekend for some Lake Michigan time. Nice guy that Tony is.

I have now hired two cohorts in my new business. Annie and Kate. It’s time to put the plan into action. Who wants to go first? 

Ya know what else is perfect out here....there are no bugs! 

Watched some tennis lately. Could the line judges at Wimbledon be dressed any frumpier? I guess it’s done that way so that no one is dressed any better than the royalty that frequents the all England club occasionally. Don’t worry. 

The Tour de France started today. 

Melissa has not stopped talking about Brazil and/or sleeping since she got back. Except for today. She has 8 hours of Live8 concerts on TIVO. A girl from her choir contacted Malaria on the Amazon and so we have been alerted to watch for headaches, fever, and nausea. Scary.

The fire is crackling and the embers are doing a little smore-like dance.
The sun is setting. 
Still no bugs.
Definitely blessed.

...So long Mike’s