
Living On A Farm

While the sun creeps up over pristine green beans, and casts a pink hue on the grey barns, I sit with my 85 year old dad.  Mom left for the day and he seems lonely.

Why wouldn't he?  They've been together since 1952. They have 5 children, 12 grand children and their 7 spouses, and 10 almost 14 great grandchildren.

The farmer and the farmer's wife.

We reminisce about reunions (happy birthday cousin Marcia) and life on the farm then and now. Today he'll mow the yard, vacuum the cottage for his bride, and think on the past, with bright hope for the future ever on his mind.

A full life even through the storms.

Me and my Mr. live in the big house right next door and every morning I see them, leaning over their bibles, trying to get closer to the light. They drink their coffee, pray and live content. Another  day traveling together. On the farm.

Mom took an abundance of great grand kid's clothes to her friends' garage sale. One of her granddaughters is adopting a baby from the Congo and other grandchildren donated their arsenal of baby clothes to help raise funds for the adoption.

This unnamed baby along with great grand babies #11 (due any minute) #12 (due in November) and #13 (due in January) may meet great grandma and grandpa Lloyd and Thelma, on occasion.

We will tell them story upon story, so that, the farmer and his wife's legacy of faith, work, laughter, tears, life and love will be passed on throughout the generations.

Five Minute Friday

Linking today with Lisa-Jo Baker and the gals over at 5-minute Friday


Jaimie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I love this--it must be so fun having all your family live near each other. I hope that someday my husband and I can leave that kind of legacy that our grandparents have--and yours too! :)

Debbie Petras said...

First of all, welcome to Five Minute Friday! I love to 'meet' new blogging friends. And thank you for visiting me on Heart Choices and leaving your comment. I loved reading about your parents on their farm. What a legacy of love! I can imagine them drinking their coffee, praying and living content. What a lesson for all of us!

Blessings and love,

Anonymous said...

Your post brought so much joy to my heart. My boyfriend is a farmer from a family of farmers. There are a lot of grandkids and lots of relatives. To me it has been such a blessing the way they have welcomed me to their family, and coming from a small family it is always endearing to see them all in actions. So much love in one space!

Maria @ Bloom

Eva @ Snappee Turtle said...

I hope and pray my husband and I will be like your parents loving The Lord and each other well into our eighties. How blessed you are to have such Godly parents still alive and and happy together! Such a legacy...and I love the photo of them!! Blessing to you!!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a testimant they have to those that go after. beautiful

michie scott said...

your post makes me smile.I hope that my family will live in a farm too and we will be together

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