
Excitement Mounts

The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend ~ Cali Rae Turner

My sister, Joy, was here for about 24 hours. It's always inspiring and exhilarating to see her and reminisce uninterrupted.

When our kids were younger we constantly longed for extended lazy afternoons spent together and now that we had one we just sat and talked about our kids. It was heartwarming.

We reached the end of the shabby chic Internet highway. And, as always, discussed ways to be in business together.

Excitement for the weekend: Carryout from the Station on Friday, along with a little surfing for cheap spring break tickets. I forced myself to scrapbook last year's spring break on Saturday, then off to Barnes and Noble with a stop at Brann's Steakhouse. Man I can hardly contain myself.

Helped Melissa with her bio for Cinderella, and discussed the possibilities of her going to Africa this summer. There goes my European vacation but how the heck do you say no to a missions minded kid?

I think I'll head to Chicago this week to attend Ben's film festival and help Jen celebrate her 21st birthday. Ben also has a show at Improv Olympic on Friday night.

Once again my "to do" list grows longer and my motivation to start it grows weaker. I have, in fact, discovered an awesome new 30-day miracle diet and so far I've already lost 8 days.

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