My 1 & 1/2 year old grandson was kinda homeless during the holidays so we got to see him a ton. His mom wanted him to be able to open a couple presents on Christmas morning (Dec 22) and have him wake to a Thomas-The-Train gift, circling beneath the tree.
Day after only a couple days of Tom, Ben, Spencer, and Percy racing each other around in a circle, they left their marks.
My friend is leaving an indelible mark on me.
She is losing the battle with cancer, but her attitude (and her husband's now that she doesn't appear on the internet) can only be described with the modern-day catchphrase, steeped in biblical truth;
Love Wins
As I wait (and pray for healing) each morning of this 3rd week in the year of our Lord 2013, I'm fixin' to become more like Jesus and Cathey. I read the comments/posts and catch glimpses of family/friends gathering... I can almost hear the singing/worship in the palliative unit.
Be imitators of God,
therefore, as dearly loved children
and walk in the way of love,
just as Christ loved us
and gave himself up for us
as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
And further,
submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Ephesians 5:1 & 21
Smile And Be Nice ~ Read her whole sidebar, especially "Recent Posts"
My friend Cathey will leave footprints on your heart that will not fade.
Excerpt from Joyful Tears
We all want purpose. We spend much effort thinking about ourselves, why and how we are made, what we think we are good at, how we can promote good things, help people, on and on. The core of how I am created, is to bring glory to my creator. The Holy God. Would He expect me to figure out the how of such a great task? I have tried, and many days thought I succeeded. Because of God’s grace, sometimes I have. Because of God’s grace, always I CAN.
My days are not what I ever imagined, yet now I can certainly not imagine them any different and welcome almost all as a joy. There is earthly sadness, concern and pain, but it is only “earthy”. The metastasis of sin and its evil pain will be replaced with eternal glory and splendor. My life and my part in it matter, because I have been designed for this life in this way. New purposes and plans are made evident to me, with timing I don’t expect.
Many of you are a part of my life in new ways, deeper and with new reason. I am blessed with everything I need, which is more that I even know!
The same is true for you. Answer your call, every day.
Max's trains have found a new home and the marks in my borrowed home's carpet are all but gone.
I will never forget Cathey. Her impression on this heart and soul compels me to, yet again, resolve;
Just Jesus.
I feel heaven stirring.
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