
My Kind Of Razzmatazz

My kind of town, Chicago is.

By 8pm Thursday evening, I had finished my walk at the h.s., Melissa wrapped up her "Working" rehearsal and we were on our way to Chicago for Jennifer's "Ed's After Dark" Show.

It still seems somewhat odd to sit in that downtown diner without Ben, but his hand prints are all over the E.A.D. show. In fact, I'm pretty sure he invented that show? And call me prejudice, but the skits with Jen in it were hilarious. Those British band girls could be at any comedy club in Chicago and hold their own! I have a few video clips I hope to post to the web site soon.

So if you're ever in the area, check out "Ed's After Dark" on Thursday Thursday nights. I hope to live there again someday.

By 6am Saturday morning I had finished about 4 hours of sleep, packed up the jeep and headed back to the land of ice, snow, and hockey. It's weird how you can be asleep in a Chicago flat one minute and the next minute watch your h.s. team capture the regional hockey trophy.

Good times, good company, and even though The Cheesecake Factory is one of my favorite Chicago restaurants, nothing beats a good old burger at the Station.

Now back to the real world and that pesky little thing called "Working."

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