
A Poem And A Poet

Rain on the porch
Inhale fresh
Storm on the porch
Better yet
Sitting on porch
Flowers smiling
Grass greening
Lighting flashing
Laptop wireless
Friends on the porch
Bring doughnuts

It doesn't get much better than this. Soon I should be getting ready to host the party. Soon the inevitable will be upon us and "we" must get Melissa ready for the road trip to "college" in August. And by "we" I mean me. And by college I mean YA.

But first I get to host Nic, Angelica and her two girls at their pre-springhill-meet-the-Michigan-relatives-campfire-fireworks-porch-party. It is always good to reconnect with family and Nic is never at a loss for some lively conversation or period of time when he isn't looking for something he lost. Not long after breakfast at the "Cherokee", and by "Cherokee" I mean let's mess with the new girl waitress restaurant, we settled down to a long summer's afternoon of nothingness. Hint: would have been a good time to get a couple of things done, but no. Instead down memory lane I go, and lo and behold a wealth of Ben and Nic antics accompany me on my walk. Who knew that the Evart Premiere of Duece would, in reality, be their farewell tour. If there is a reunion concert, I'm all over that. Life changes and so we move on. Later on that evening I had the pleasure of calmly talking Ben through about 40-50 miles of Northern Michigan tundra on his nomadic "mission" to visit Annie's family at their Ludington camp-sight. And by "mission" I mean...stay tuned.
Nic may have lost his keys for a couple of hours that day and Ben was quite turned around on Rt 10, but both of them seem to have a clear direction and sense of purpose on this journey we call life. Keep going towards the light and may the force be with you. Whatever paths your lives end up taking, all of us have been "doubly" blessed. And by doubly, I mean deuced.

After all that activity you'd think I would hunker down and start cleaning the garage...finishing up scrapbooks/slide shows...start a menu plan....woulda, coulda, shoulda. I must help Melissa start saying good-bye and so with a very warm invitation and a 15-minute window of opportunity we head off to hang out with Kate and Meg at the cottage. Could we have jammed any more relaxation and conversation into those fun-filled 18 hours? Evening walk on Lake Michigan, perfect sunset, last minute photos, and a rousing, "spirited"discussion at the kitchen table all made for a priceless memory. And by "spirited" I mean...oh never mind. Even though it was meant to be a good-bye it clarified in my mind that solid friendships don't call it that. I prefer, so long...until we meet again...farewell friend.

And so then, yeah! You'd think that I would proceed on to the "to do" list. Ha,surely you jest! Why not host another fun, food and one bathroom party of the Springhill regulars. You know the drill, and the rules are simple...you must announce any over-5 minute bathroom stays and that makes us all happy campers. 
I will now simply take my own advise and not worry about the open house, road trip or empty nest. And by "not worry" I mean...I have memories to make.

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